Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The start of a mini-revolution.

I noticed my friend, Kelly, has a new look to her blog and it's super cool so I asked her how she did it. Turns out she used Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates to do it. Our super savvy friend, Jenney, is the one who turned her on to it. Then Sheri saw my new and improved blog and decided to upgrade hers a little. Now there's talk that Mindy's blog will be undergoing a makeover soon too! By the time it's all said and done there's going to be a lot of really cool blogs out there!

FYI, before making any changes to your blog, be sure to save all the important information from your sidebar like the links to all your favorite blogs!

And if you've got a second, let me know what you think of the new look! I hope to one day remodel the whole thing myself...from scratch...but I don't have the time for it right now. Nor do I have the right program to create the graphics I would want.


Sheri said...

Don't forget who originally started it...Jenney. :D It's wha all the cool kids are doing.

gottaluvboyz said...

Kuddos to Jenney for finding this site:) Your new look is wonderful Evonne!

Lelia said...

Now I'm feeling left out. I tried a new template, but I kept having trouble trying to update it. I guess I need to try again, huh?

This looks great Evonne!

Matt said...

Cute pics. Sorry I haven't visited in a while. Happy 4rth late!

jenney said...

Super cute blog, Evonne!!!

Party of Five said...

TAG. Go check out my blog.

Party of Five said...

It is what all the cool kids are doing! Now I'm excited about blogging again:)

Melody Kingsley said...

I love it. I'm glad changing backgrounds has become so much easier. I have tried a dozen times and kept losing stuff, but now I use I will have to try this one out, too.

Party of Five said...

So what? AFter this, you're never posting a new blog again? I dare you to... ;)

Wendy said...'s been a while since you've continued your revolution, so I TAGGED you...See my blog for details. :)

Designed by Lena Graphics by Melany