Monday, June 30, 2008

More cuteness!

I just ran across these Sticky Notes Books (a.k.a. Post-It Notes Books) and thought they were neat. I just might have to give this a try myself.

And I like these Crayon-A-Longs. There's not a tutorial for it, but how hard can it be, right???

I'm sure I've posted these Crayon Rolls before, but I still haven't gotten around to making any of them, so here it is again.

And I know it's not Easter, but I think these Chalkboard Easter Eggs are a cute idea. Oh the possibilities with colored chalkboard paint!

And I know it's not even school time, but this little number will be great for Teacher Appreciation Week. Except that Owen usually has about 25 teachers all together!

And while I'm posting things for holidays that are far, far away, how about this cute little drum valentine. I hope none of Owen's classmates are reading this because we just might do it next year for his valentines.

And here's one for an obscure holiday (obscure int he US anyway). Apparently January 26th is Australia Day and these ANZAC cookies (or biscuits Down Under, I guess) are just the thing for celebrating it. The reason I'm so excited about this is because my mother-in-law was born in Australia and her mother served in the Army there making this the perfect thing to add to our family traditions. What a find!

Well, it's dinnertime, so I've got to go feed the critters!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hot Air Balloon

Riley loves to doodle on the Magnadoodle and then he shows it to us and says, "Look! Look!" And we tell him how pretty his scribbling is.

Last night I was cleaning up the kitchen and Riley was showing Eric his "picture" and he kept saying, "Hot air balloon." Eric didn't catch it at first, but then, sure enough, Riley had drawn a hot air balloon! So I got out the camera and took some pics. Riley was SOOOOO proud. See it? There in the middle? I'm a little fuzzy on what the rest of it is though.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Recent comments from my kids.

"More again please. More again."
"Can I want some? Can I want some please?" instead of "Can I have some?"
"Can I hold you?" when he wants ME to hold HIM.

Then today Owen said (and I could tell he was a little perturbed by it),
"Every time I'm watching a show and they go fishing, they always catch a boot."

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Vintage Children's Books Online

I came across this tonight and thought I'd post it here so I can find it easily again later! I have a thing for vintage children's books and viewing them online isn't the same as having them in my hands, but it's better than nothing!

If you're looking for things to do with your kids this summer...

...check out Let's Explore.

I specifically want to try this Sink or Float experiment with Owen. We did a miniature version of it at the pool the other day and he was haing some trouble with it, so we'll keep trying.

I also like these flowers from Plum Pudding. I've got buttons, pipe cleaners (a.k.a. chenille stems), toilet paper tubes, and I'll substitute green cardstock for the felt leaves. Might be a nice project for Owen this week.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm IT!

Okay, so I've been tagged. It's happened once before but I pretended I didn't get tagged because the person who tagged me also tagged everyone else I knew with blogs. I'm hoping to get this done and tag 5 people before someone else tags everyone I know. The race is on!

Here's what you do:
Link to the person who tagged you,
Post the rules on your blog,
Answer the questions about yourself,
Tag five people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs,
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment at their blog,
Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

What was I doing 10 years ago?
My 10th anniversary is in 2 months, so I guess 10 years ago I was planning a wedding! I was finishing up the last of my classes and getting ready to start my teaching internship. I was loving life and looking forward to the future. And I was clueless about what that future would be like.

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Southwestern Ranch dip and flour tortilla chips
2. Chocolate chip peanut butter chewy granola bars
3. Toastchee crackers (with chocolate Silk soy milk)
4. Goldfish crackers
5. Cool Ranch Doritos

Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Take my van in to get the power steering fixed.
2. Meet some friends at INK to let the kids play.
3. Stop by Hancock fabric for some bias tape.
4. Get a few more dish towels at Target.
5. Work on Eric's Father's Day gift.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Give some of it to my church and to support other worthy ministries like my friend, Mary Virginia, who is a missionary in Brazil.
2. Buy a cabin in the mountains, condo at the beach, and house (with a boat) on a lake.
3. Start my own business.
4. Fund more cancer research.

Five jobs I've had:
1. waitress
2. Ticketing and reservations at Opryland (one of my favorite jobs)
3. Undergraduate Physics lab instructor
4. Secondary school teacher.
5. Mom! (my all-time favorite job!)

Five of my bad habits:
1. Starting lots of craft projects then taking forever to finish.
2. Washing, drying, and folding laundry but not getting it put away.
3. Staying up past midnight when I should be sleeping.
4. Not mailing things in a timely manner.
5. Hiding in the pantry to eat junk food so the boys don't see me and want some.

Five places I have lived: Okay, I guess technically I've listed 9 places, but it's hard to narrow them down!
1. Nashville, TN
2. Alabaster, AL (and Mobile and Auburn)
3. Hattiesburg/Petal, MS
4. Texarkana, TX/AR
5. Athens, GA

Five people I want to get to know better (yes, this means you are tagged!)
1. Melody
2. Tiffany
3. Lelia
4. Jenney
5. Kym
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