Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bon Mardi Gras

It snuck up on me. I had no idea Mardi Gras was coming up until one of Eric's friends called him from New Orleans to see if we wanted a King Cake. What? It's this week? No!

So we told him to get us one and FedEx brought it today. God bless FedEx. We came back from eating lunch with Eric to find it on the front stoop. Yeah!

I also made a run to the store this morning so we could have Jambalaya. That gives all the ingredients for a great Mardi Gras...except a parade...and moonpies...and beads. I guess I would say that's the draw back to where we live. No celebration of Mardi Gras. Or none that we've found. Maybe in a couple of years we can take the boys to Mobile for a few parades. The Mobile parades tend to be more family friendly than the New Orleans ones. And Mobile is closer. But until then, we'll just stick to our little family mini-celebration.

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